
Diploma in Nurse Prescribing




About Diploma in Nurse Prescribing

This Diploma in Nurse Prescribing is designed for those who work in nursing and want to learn more about Nursing & Prescribing procedures or how to work with a prescriber. This Diploma in Nurse Prescribing is also appropriate for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals interested in learning about independent prescribing.

With this Diploma in Nurse Prescribing, you will learn how to write prescriptions, keep records, label drugs, administer controlled substances, and provide palliative care and manage medicines in nursing homes. By the end of this course, you will know everything a world-class nurse knows. Our course can help you achieve your goals and prepare you for a rewarding career. So, enrol in this course today and arm yourself with the necessary skills to set yourself up for success!

Learning Outcomes Of Diploma In Nurse Prescribing

After completing this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of nurse prescribing.
  • Know how to prescribe controlled drugs.
  • Gain a solid understanding of neuropathic pain in adults.
  • Know how to cope with generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder in adults.
  • Understand diagnosis and management of headaches in over 12s.
  • Understand depression in adults.
  • Gain a clear understanding of palliative care for adults.
  • Know how to prescribe antibiotics for respiratory tract infections.
  • Know how to prescribe and manage medicines in care homes.
  • Understand Antimicrobial prescribing for Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, Acute Prostatitis and Sinusitis.
  • Understand drug misuse in over 16s: opioid detoxification.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge about future challenges for nurse prescribers.


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