• Unlimited access to the course
    • Instant e-certificate and hard copy dispatch by 10 working days.
    • Course material developed by qualified professionals.
    • Self-paced learning is accessible via laptop, tablet and smartphone.
    • 24/7 Learning assistance and tutor support.
    • No hidden fees or exam charges.
    • Discounts on bulk purchases.

Assessment Method

After completing each module, you will get MCQ quizzes to assess your learning. You will move through the later modules upon successful completion (60% correct answer at least) of the quiz test. And, this process continues till the end of the course. Apart from this, you do not need to sit for any other assessments.


After completing the course, you can instantly download your certificate for FREE. The hard copy of the certification will also be delivered to your doorstep via post, which will cost £13.99 (if claimed by the learner). So, all of our courses are reviewed regularly to ensure their quality and provide appropriate current training for your chosen subject. Although certificates do not expire (in most cases), it is recommended that they be reviewed or renewed annually.

Course Curriculum

Module 01: Introduction to Rabbits
Module 01: Introduction to Rabbits 00:25:00
Module 02: Rabbit Housing and Environment
Module 02: Rabbit Housing and Environment 00:25:00
Module 03: Rabbit Nutrition
Module 03: Rabbit Nutrition 00:23:00
Module 04: Rabbit Health Care
Module 04: Rabbit Health Care 00:20:00
Module 05: Rabbit Training
Module 05: Rabbit Training 00:20:00
Module 06: Rabbit Handling and Behavior
Module 06: Rabbit Handling and Behavior 00:20:00
Module 07: Rabbit Welfare
Module 07: Rabbit Welfare 00:20:00

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